Sunday, September 21, 2008

I feel the need for little lists today:

Things I want to do when I'm an old lady:

Not get a short poufy haircut. I think long white hair would be quite eye catching, and you can't quite pull off the perfect grandmother look without a bun!

Not wear matchy pantsuits. Dresses and long swirly skirts are so much more flattering.

Wear wraps and hats on a regular basis. They're just cool. If I didn't feel like I needed to "dress the part" for my job, I'd wear them now. I think that will be one of the best things about getting old- nobody cares how you dress anymore.

Still do crazy things, just to make people wonder. Keep a garden. Create things. Sing, no matter what my voice sounds like.

Spend lots of time with kids, whether I'm related to them or not.

Never get too old to fight one more good fight.

Die of something more worthwhile than a stroke or a heart attack.

Things I want to learn:

Tailoring/ pattern drafting
Hammer Dulcimer
Landscape Lighting
How to run a business

Things I want to do:

Help kids with school
Teach something
Develop better relationships with older and younger people
Find a more satisfying job
Develop a specialized job skill
Pass part of the LARE
Get to know a special guy

Things I want in a Man:
Loves God, even more than he loves me
Biblical worldview based on the above
Reasonably intelligent
Curious about life and eager to learn new things
Willing to work hard when needed
Values family and children
Somewhat handy, or becoming so
Responsible, especially with money
Kind, especially to those who cannot help him in return
Treats women with respect and strives for moral purity
Reasonably healthy, takes reasonable care of himself
Not overly concerned about his image
Has outgrown juvenile pursuits- i.e. video game addictions, sports obsession


  1. "Reasonably intellegent"

    Uh...does this mean that he would have to know how to spell intelligent?

  2. :) In my enthusiasm, I seem to have neglected to check my spelling!
